For people facing
Huntington’s disease and other devastating, untreatable conditions, the
powerful wish for a cure can conjure up the image of an elated scientist
bursting from a laboratory and declaring “Eureka!”
However, it is unlikely a treatment for HD will emerge in this way.
However, it is unlikely a treatment for HD will emerge in this way.
We often
misunderstand scientific progress, as explained in an essay in the May 16,
2015, edition of The New York Times by prominent physicist Leonard
Mlodinow, Ph.D.
“Why do we reduce
great discoveries to epiphany myths?” asked the sub-headline for Dr. Mlodinow’s
online article, which was
titled “It Is, in Fact, Rocket Science.”
“The mythical stories
we tell about our heroes are always more romantic and often more palatable than
the truth,” Dr. Mlodinow writes. “But in science, at least, they are
destructive, in that they promote false conceptions of the evolution of
scientific thought.”
From Isaac Newton to Charles Darwin to Stephen Hawking,
we have oversimplified the process of discovery, Dr. Mlodinow explains. Rather
than the eureka moments popularized in books and the media – like the apple
falling on Newton’s head – these scientists’ discoveries involved years of hard
work and questioning of assumptions, including their own.
Thus, Dr. Mlodinow
reminds us that breakthroughs result from the cumulative build-up of many
moments of discovery by scientists past and present.
He thus underscores a
crucial point for the Huntington’s disease community: finding treatments will
necessarily involve a collective effort by scientists and volunteers in
research studies and clinical trials.
“Even if we are not
scientists, every day we are challenged to make judgments and decisions about
technical matters like vaccinations, financial investments, diet supplements
and, of course, global warming,” Dr. Mlodinow points out. “The myths can seduce
one into believing there is an easier path, one that doesn’t require such hard
We in the HD
community must all play our part in the quest for treatments.
A eureka moment deflated
As a carrier of the
deadly HD mutation who watched his mother succumb to the disease, I have
sometimes fallen prey to the seductive scenario described by Dr. Mlodinow, and
even done so in this blog.
Four years ago this
month, I was so excited about Alnylam Pharmaceuticals’ progress towards a
remedy that I posted a picture of myself holding an Alnylam compound designed
to attack HD at its genetic roots. I wrote that the compound, “the potential
cure in my hand,” seemed magical.
I later made the
image my Facebook profile photo.
(See the photo below
and click here to read more.)
I had perhaps become
overconfident about the Alnylam project.
In collaboration with its
partners Medtronic and CHDI Foundation, Inc., the nonprofit virtual
biotech focused on HD treatments, Alnylam was planning to apply in 2012 for permission
to start a clinical trial.
In early 2012,
however, Alnylam cut a third of its work force in order to reduce costs. In May of that year, less than
a year after my 2011 visit, the company shifted its business strategy. It
downgraded the HD project and fired the scientific director in
Alnylam chose instead
to concentrate on less complex – and perhaps more profitable – projects to find
drugs for other conditions. Alnylam passed on the responsibility for testing the compound in a
human clinical trial to Medtronic.
To date, Medtronic
has announced no plans for a human clinical trial of the Alnylam compound.
“Medtronic believes the siRNA [gene-silencing] drug-device program continues to represent an exciting opportunity to combine an innovative therapeutic strategy with state-of-the-art drug device delivery technology for Huntington’s disease,” Jack Lemmon, Ph.D., a Medtronic program manager, responded in an e-mail to my request for an update on the project. “Pre-clinical work has generated promising results; however the therapy research program has been paused since 2013 until partnerships can be established allowing us to sustain the research. At this time, it is premature to discuss timeframes, but we hope to continue work to find a treatment for this devastating neurodegenerative disease.”
“Medtronic believes the siRNA [gene-silencing] drug-device program continues to represent an exciting opportunity to combine an innovative therapeutic strategy with state-of-the-art drug device delivery technology for Huntington’s disease,” Jack Lemmon, Ph.D., a Medtronic program manager, responded in an e-mail to my request for an update on the project. “Pre-clinical work has generated promising results; however the therapy research program has been paused since 2013 until partnerships can be established allowing us to sustain the research. At this time, it is premature to discuss timeframes, but we hope to continue work to find a treatment for this devastating neurodegenerative disease.”
Shots on goal
I am concerned that
the project runs the risk of entering a not uncommon limbo, which one former
director of the National Institutes of Health calls the “valley of death,” the
increasingly difficult transition between laboratories and clinical trials.
Devising the Alnylam
compound involved a significant investment of time, money, and expertise. In my
extensive interviews with Alnylam scientists in 2011, and even in a conference
call with some of those same researchers after the announcement of the 2012
cutback, they expressed enthusiasm about the promise of the compound.
The Alnylam compound may
– or may not – ultimately play a role in the search for treatments.
Without the Alnylam
compound, the HD community would have one less shot on goal in the critical gene-silencing
I am disappointed at
the lack of action – much less progress – regarding the Alnylam compound.
Fortunately for the HD community, one of those shots is scheduled to take place this year: Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Roche will start a historic gene-silencing clinical trial using a different type of drug technology. Other companies and labs are also focusing on the development of gene-silencing approaches for HD.
Fortunately for the HD community, one of those shots is scheduled to take place this year: Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Roche will start a historic gene-silencing clinical trial using a different type of drug technology. Other companies and labs are also focusing on the development of gene-silencing approaches for HD.
The Alnylam project
didn’t meet the expectations of many in the community. However, it has still
provided valuable data from which other researchers can benefit. I am grateful
for Alnylam’s contributions to the quest for treatments, and I’m crossing my
fingers that Medtronic can resume the project.
I indeed recognize that the path to treatments is not easy. Nor is it straight.
One example of a potentially fortuitous outcome of the Alnylam decision: the dismissed HD project director, Dinah Sah, Ph.D., now works as the senior vice president of neuroscience for Voyager Therapeutics, one of the new companies exploring gene-silencing for HD.
Dinah Sah, Ph.D., of Voyager Therapeutics (photo by Gene Veritas)
I indeed recognize that the path to treatments is not easy. Nor is it straight.
One example of a potentially fortuitous outcome of the Alnylam decision: the dismissed HD project director, Dinah Sah, Ph.D., now works as the senior vice president of neuroscience for Voyager Therapeutics, one of the new companies exploring gene-silencing for HD.
Dinah Sah, Ph.D., of Voyager Therapeutics (photo by Gene Veritas)
A road paved with cooperation
Enthusiasm is
essential, but it must be tempered with the recognition that scientists need
time – and money – to test hypotheses.
It took some two
decades to discover the huntingtin gene. At the time of this breakthrough in
1993, people in the HD community celebrated.
Rightfully so, hope
for treatments increased significantly.
Since then, hundreds
of researchers from around the globe have published thousands of scientific
papers on HD. Along the way they have identified hundreds of potential HD drug
targets (biological pathways).
From the 1970s until
today, thousands of individuals from HD-affected families have participated in
research studies and, more recently, a growing number of clinical trials.
While many of us are
disappointed that successful treatments have not emerged, we must recognize
that the enormous amount of scientific work regarding HD should contribute – perhaps
in ways no one yet knows – to future progress.
The road to
treatments is paved with cooperation, and with the recognition that multiple
drugs may be needed to manage this complex genetic disorder. (Thus, scientists
don’t say “cure” when referring to HD.)
Cooperation: the HD community out in force at an HDSA Team Hope Walk (photo by Gene Veritas)
Cooperation: the HD community out in force at an HDSA Team Hope Walk (photo by Gene Veritas)
Something larger than ourselves
Our society worships
individual “heroes.”
However, in the fight
to defeat HD, each participant contributes with his or her talents and
resources: financial donations, scientific expertise, caregiving, and daily
dedication to the cause.
In this long-term
commitment, we strive for the well-being of those beyond ourselves: the
children who have yet to develop symptoms, the future generations of HD
families, and other disease communities such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and
many conditions even rarer than HD like dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy, known as DRPLA.
For now, I’ll keep my
Facebook profile photo as a symbol of hope governed by caution.
Yes, defeating HD is
rocket science. When, collectively, we have completed that rocket, we can all ride
it together.
Gene, I hope you'll add Help 4 HD International to the list of HD links on your blog site!